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Sunday, April 25, 2010

My heart is secret…

My heart is secret

Sometimes….its really hard 2 explain bout everything…

Not all da thingz we can share… hmmmm..thats make me so confuse n sad @ da same time…

No one even know what I’m thingkin’..

What in my mind

I like or not…

I love or hate..

I’m happy (n_n)or even sad…(u_u)

All these…just me…hnya ak yg taw…. I’m a bit disappointed with all this..but..

Life must go on…

Kdg2..kita kna sacrifice our self tuk wat org lain happy n tuk cover out kelemahan…n ksdHan…

N mby that’s da thingz I awez done…..but sa x menyesal…

To aLl da people i LOVE…

My FmLy…mY babes..mY BFf…my bIey…my fWnZ…luV u owEz

I’ll trY my BesT tuK menghapykan kMu…

beCoz u all is mY world…..

p/S: saYa sYg dIri saYa…dan kamu....

Monday, April 19, 2010

abBy pUnya BfdAe....4 taUn dA...

hmmm....mcm xrasa da..4 taUn da abBy @ raBiathuL adaWiyah...
my onLy heR sOoO mUch~~

manGgO deLigHt..nyUm2~~~

hehee.....cYg dia nie..nakal2 buat wndu Jua...

xlaMaa Gik aBbY jD kakaK...xited niE..hmm...
hOpefULLy ok suMa.....
BTW..tQ to rUmet...aNa n eaN yg teMankAn g bLiK uma Tym niE....
hoPefuLly kMu kenYang la..hehehe....

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Today Was A Fairytale......

Today was a fairy tale
You were the prince

I used to be a damsel in distress
You took me by the hand

And you picked me up at six

Today was a fairy tale

Today was a fairy tale

Today was a fairy tale
I wore a dress
You wore a dark gray t-shirt
You told me I was pretty when I looked like a mess
Today was a fairy tale
Time slows down
Whenever you're around

Can you feel this Magic in the air?

It must've been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standin' there

It must've been the way
Today was a fairy tale
It must've been the way
Today was a fairy tale

Today was a fairy tale
You've got a smile

That takes me to another planet

Every move you make
Every thing you say is right
Today was a fairy tale

Today was a fairy tale
All that I could say is now it's
Getting so much clearer

Nothing made sense til the time I saw your face

Today was a fairy tale
Time slows down
Whenever you're around-Yeah

Can you feel this magic in the air?
It must've been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standin' there

It must've been the way
Today was a fairy tale
It must've been the way
Today was a fairy tale

Time slows down

Whenever you're around

I can feel my heart

It's beating in my chest
Did you feel it
I can't put this down

Can you feel this magic in the air?

It must've been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standin' there
It must've been the way

Can you feel this magic in the air?
It must've been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standin' there
It must've been the way
Today was a fairy tale

It must've been the way
Today was a fairy tale

Oh Oh Ooh Yeah oh

Today was a fairy tale

Saturday, April 10, 2010

..sgT 'M'

ntah la...hri nie da pLen pOn mo waT esaiMen...
huhuhu..jam beApa da..teda Jua d waT lg...
ooooooo esaiMen....

i haVe 3 moRe maJor uncOmplete esaImen...
  • PendidikaN dySLeXia...
  • mAth EDu cRRcLm
  • PenTaksIran
how can I bLe jD sGt mLs mcM nie...
aduuuhhh....jIwa kaCau la bTl.... xblE foCus bh nieeee......ntah la..
hri nie suppose 2 hang Out with my baBe tatIe n aYu...
tP....xjD pLak...muD jLn bH nie..2 la ble wat Esaimen...

n yg pTg...i miss sOme1...

dIz cOming tuEsday....hehehehe...
hmmmm.....mBy i caN sMile aGain....

msTi raJinnnnn....ok....
i wiLL geT mu Reward...yeaaahhh...

saY nO 4 'LAZY'.........

Friday, April 9, 2010

brU ja....^__^

hmmm..niE brU bh Nie mo beJinak2 dlM bLog...
actuallY..lama da pon nie bLog x updaTe...

bTw..tq 2 my fweN..Ana faDzianaH....
dia Yg tlg c lawA2 ckT nie Blog...

adeH....kuNuk Mo waT
hahaha...cerIta ja bNyk..

siaP nyaNyi2 lg kmi ngan Rumet..
ana nyanyi...rumEt maen jua a...
tehiBuR ooo saaa...

mo tduR la dLu...trY 2 geT soMe energy 4 2Moorowwwww.....

mo Wat esaImen kn....

bh....BerUsaHa.... (kTa2 semaNgt tUk diri snDri) ^___^
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Sunday, April 25, 2010

My heart is secret…

Posted by ena d'morgane at 3:17 AM 2 comments

My heart is secret

Sometimes….its really hard 2 explain bout everything…

Not all da thingz we can share… hmmmm..thats make me so confuse n sad @ da same time…

No one even know what I’m thingkin’..

What in my mind

I like or not…

I love or hate..

I’m happy (n_n)or even sad…(u_u)

All these…just me…hnya ak yg taw…. I’m a bit disappointed with all this..but..

Life must go on…

Kdg2..kita kna sacrifice our self tuk wat org lain happy n tuk cover out kelemahan…n ksdHan…

N mby that’s da thingz I awez done…..but sa x menyesal…

To aLl da people i LOVE…

My FmLy…mY babes..mY BFf…my bIey…my fWnZ…luV u owEz

I’ll trY my BesT tuK menghapykan kMu…

beCoz u all is mY world…..

p/S: saYa sYg dIri saYa…dan kamu....

Monday, April 19, 2010

abBy pUnya BfdAe....4 taUn dA...

Posted by ena d'morgane at 3:02 AM 0 comments
hmmm....mcm xrasa da..4 taUn da abBy @ raBiathuL adaWiyah...
my onLy heR sOoO mUch~~

manGgO deLigHt..nyUm2~~~

hehee.....cYg dia nie..nakal2 buat wndu Jua...

xlaMaa Gik aBbY jD kakaK...xited niE..hmm...
hOpefULLy ok suMa.....
BTW..tQ to rUmet...aNa n eaN yg teMankAn g bLiK uma Tym niE....
hoPefuLly kMu kenYang la..hehehe....
Posted by ena d'morgane at 2:51 AM 0 comments

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Today Was A Fairytale......

Posted by ena d'morgane at 11:13 PM 0 comments

Today was a fairy tale
You were the prince

I used to be a damsel in distress
You took me by the hand

And you picked me up at six

Today was a fairy tale

Today was a fairy tale

Today was a fairy tale
I wore a dress
You wore a dark gray t-shirt
You told me I was pretty when I looked like a mess
Today was a fairy tale
Time slows down
Whenever you're around

Can you feel this Magic in the air?

It must've been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standin' there

It must've been the way
Today was a fairy tale
It must've been the way
Today was a fairy tale

Today was a fairy tale
You've got a smile

That takes me to another planet

Every move you make
Every thing you say is right
Today was a fairy tale

Today was a fairy tale
All that I could say is now it's
Getting so much clearer

Nothing made sense til the time I saw your face

Today was a fairy tale
Time slows down
Whenever you're around-Yeah

Can you feel this magic in the air?
It must've been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standin' there

It must've been the way
Today was a fairy tale
It must've been the way
Today was a fairy tale

Time slows down

Whenever you're around

I can feel my heart

It's beating in my chest
Did you feel it
I can't put this down

Can you feel this magic in the air?

It must've been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standin' there
It must've been the way

Can you feel this magic in the air?
It must've been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standin' there
It must've been the way
Today was a fairy tale

It must've been the way
Today was a fairy tale

Oh Oh Ooh Yeah oh

Today was a fairy tale

Saturday, April 10, 2010

..sgT 'M'

Posted by ena d'morgane at 1:03 AM 0 comments
ntah la...hri nie da pLen pOn mo waT esaiMen...
huhuhu..jam beApa da..teda Jua d waT lg...
ooooooo esaiMen....

i haVe 3 moRe maJor uncOmplete esaImen...
  • PendidikaN dySLeXia...
  • mAth EDu cRRcLm
  • PenTaksIran
how can I bLe jD sGt mLs mcM nie...
aduuuhhh....jIwa kaCau la bTl.... xblE foCus bh nieeee......ntah la..
hri nie suppose 2 hang Out with my baBe tatIe n aYu...
tP....xjD pLak...muD jLn bH nie..2 la ble wat Esaimen...

n yg pTg...i miss sOme1...

dIz cOming tuEsday....hehehehe...
hmmmm.....mBy i caN sMile aGain....

msTi raJinnnnn....ok....
i wiLL geT mu Reward...yeaaahhh...

saY nO 4 'LAZY'.........

Friday, April 9, 2010

brU ja....^__^

Posted by ena d'morgane at 8:54 AM 2 comments
hmmm..niE brU bh Nie mo beJinak2 dlM bLog...
actuallY..lama da pon nie bLog x updaTe...

bTw..tq 2 my fweN..Ana faDzianaH....
dia Yg tlg c lawA2 ckT nie Blog...

adeH....kuNuk Mo waT
hahaha...cerIta ja bNyk..

siaP nyaNyi2 lg kmi ngan Rumet..
ana nyanyi...rumEt maen jua a...
tehiBuR ooo saaa...

mo tduR la dLu...trY 2 geT soMe energy 4 2Moorowwwww.....

mo Wat esaImen kn....

bh....BerUsaHa.... (kTa2 semaNgt tUk diri snDri) ^___^